Friday 18 December 2015

Red Panda

I came across red pandas recently on the internet, and would like to share some information about them here.

When people hear the word "panda", they usually think about the giant panda (see the photo below) which is black and white.

Above photo by J. Patrick Fischer

Link to the above photo:

However, the red panda looks quite different.

The red panda is small -- slightly bigger than a house cat,
and has a long bushy tail.

In fact, when zoologist Frederic Cuvier described the red panda in 1825, he gave it the name ailurus fulgens. which means "shining cat" or "fire-coloured cat".

(As per this Wikipedia article under "Phylogenetics":

Ailurus, (from Ancient Greek αἴλουρος, "cat"), 
based on superficial similarities with domestic cats. 
The specific epithet is the Latin adjective fulgens, "shining".

Ailurus fulgens.  It reminds me of the name Fulgencio (for men) and the name Fulgencia (for women).  Both Fulgencio and Fulgencia mean "shining/glowing".

Anyway, the red panda is incredibly cute and cuddly!!
I want to give it a bunch of hugs.
Wish I had one as a pet...
See the pictures and video below.

Above photo by Greg Hume

Link to the above photo:

Above photo by Carlos Delgado; CC-BY-SA

Link to the above photo:

And here's a very cute and short (a bit less than 2 minutes)
video on youtube:

Name of the above youtube video:
Red Panda playing in the snow

Name of youtube channel:

Link to above youtube video:

Links to more information about the red panda: