A wonderful online library,
located in America (in the U.S.A.)
where you can get so many children's books
-- in so many languages, including English, of course,
-- to read online
-- for FREE !
The name of the site:
International Children's Digital Library
The link to the site:
There are books in various languages from:
-- North America and Central America
-- South America
-- Asia and Middle East
-- Oceania
-- Europe
-- Africa
And, of course, there are oodles of books
available in English.
Take a look at the various books offered
by using the site's location search.
Here's the link to their location search:
Plus, if you go to the site's "Using the Library" page,
you can get advice to help you with
creative writing, learning languages,
and other good tips.
There's even a teacher training manual.
So, to get to the "Using the Library" page
mentioned above, click on this link:
In addition, on the library's home page,
take a look at the left-hand side.
Examine the sidebar there.
you'll find help and advice for
authors & publishers,
researchers & librarians,
and even an Ambassador program.
Well then, for those people who'd like to try their hand at
or illustrating
or translating
a c h i l d r e n ' s book,
definitely take at least a glance at the website of the
International Children's Digital Library.
You never know, it could be the start
of a new career for you.
You could become a writer,
illustrator, or translator
of children's books.
* * * * * * * You could also become a volunteer,
or make a donation,
or buy something at their online gift shop.
The online gift shop for the
International Children's Digital Library
can be found at:
All for the very good cause
of free international children's books.