How do you pronounce Slough?
What about Albuquerque, Berkeley, Cholmondeley, Edinburgh, Montreux, Reading, Versailles, Zeebrugge?
Now you can find out how to pronounce quite a variety of place names, as well as medical, scientific, and cultural terms, and even a few surnames like Montaigne and Rousseau.
Quite a while ago, I came across a good online audio dictionary, and I'd like to share it here.
It's easy-to-use and free of charge.
The dictionary is called howjsay and here's the link to it:
For some more notes regarding the dictionary, click below:
As for the dictionary's editor, he's a professional English educator with a lot of experience, and if you'd like some more information about him, click the link below:
Here's how to use the dictionary:
-- type a word in the dictionary's search box
-- press Enter on your keyboard or click Submit on the dictionary's page
-- the word will appear in pink, and you will hear its pronunciation
-- to hear it again, either mouse over the pink word, or keep on clicking Submit
(you can listen to the word as many times as you want)