There's an ancient Irish poem written by a monk about his cat.
What is the name of the cat?
a) Donndubhán
b) Dúbhshláine
c) Pangur Bán
d) Corraidhín
NB. The answer to the above cat and poetry trivia question can be found here:
click here - it will take you to a Wikipedia site which has the answer
The Wikipedia site also has links which will show you the translated poem.
It's a lovely, heartfelt poem which you should definitely read.
Scroll down the Wikipedia site until you come to
"External links", and then click on the word " translation".
There's a translation by Robin Flower,
and another one by W. H. Auden.
Why not read both?
And as for the meaning of the ancient Irish names in the answers above,
here's the link: